Friday, March 6, 2020

Hex Hall Series by Rachel Hawkins

Since February 20, 2020, I have finished nine books. Here's a little review about three of them. In February, I read book two in the Hex Hall series called "Demonglass". It continued the Sophie's story outside of school and over the summer with her vampire friend in England as the story develops with Archer Cross. Sophie struggles with trying to figure out if he is fighting for good or evil. Sophie gets to know her dad and what it means to be a demon in the modern world. I

I like author Rachel Hawkin's writing. She developed the story and the characters well; however, I felt as though she didn't leave enough time for the big reveal and wrap up. Both of her books felt rushed at the end. This scored a four out of five stars; however, the more I think about it, I wonder if that was just a touch too high.

"Spell Bound" is the final book in the Hex Hall trilogy. The tension has never been greater as Sophie discovers who she really is, how things turn out with Cal and the continued confusion where Archer Cross is concerned. Sophie not only battles for her school, but for all prodigium. Scoring another four out of five stars, I was glad to have read this series. My concerns in regards for the first two books were the same. The ending was rushed and could have used more fleshing out.

In my search for Hex Hall books, my Libby App suggested "School Spirits" by Rachel Hawkins. This is in Sophie and the prodigium world; however, the protagonist is Sophie's long lost cousin (on her mother's side), 15 year old Izzy Brannick.

I only rated this story 3.5 out of five stars. Not because it was bad, but mostly because I don't feel as though this story line was complete. Izzy is a monster hunter as every Brannick woman was before her. After her sister goes missing, she gets enrolled into public school and is on a case to solve a ghost problem. It certainly has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer feel to it; however, it is uniquely its own.

Rachel Hawkins
The story line between Izzy and Dex was interesting and left me wanting more. The fact that Izzy's sister was missing at the beginning of the book and remains missing at the end of the book leaves this story very incomplete.

I don't know why the series was ditched, because I certainly would have read more. These were books 37, 39, and 41 for the year. More to come on the others soon. I also have one or two others from Rachel Hawkins outside of the Hex Hall world that I am looking forward to checking out ("Prince Charming" and "Her Royal Highness").

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