Friday, March 29, 2019

Unexpected Alteration

Eyes closed, she reached around the side of the bed searching for her phone. Her fingers, half asleep, fumbled with the fully charged iPhone 7. She turned the screen toward her and squinted at the spotlight of a screen. 1:50am. Sighing, she placed the phone back down on the ledge of the bed and rolled over to her other side flinging the blankets off her body. Too hot, she told herself. 

She took herself to the bathroom and then tried to find a comfortable position to fall back asleep in. Hours passed as she moved from one side to the other to her stomach, and then eventually to her back. The first alarm went off.

Her husband woke and started his day off with a ridiculous amount of push ups. She tossed and turned again, remembering that she told him she would get up at five with him. She barely slept and knew he would forgive her. Thirty seven minutes later she finally got up and started her day.

She loved to plan her days, so as she cooked her morning eggs, she went over her specific list one item at a time.

1) Begin work at six and take lunch at noon.
2) Write for your entire 30 minute lunch break.
3) Work until 4:30pm
4) Get ready for your second job.
5) Eat dinner
6) Post your blog. 

The list was simple enough. The list was easily achievable. That is, until the beagle came into the picture at 11:50am. "Hi Mama, look at me! I have a waggy tail and I'm so cute, loooovvveeee me!"

She looked down at her dog, smiled, and scratched the back of her ears. "You're a good girl. I love you."

The beagle's ears perked at her happy owners voice and shook her body even harder in excitement. "Mama, mom, mommy! It's almost time for a walk! Are you ready?"

She smiles at her beagle and scratches under her chin. "Not today sweetheart, mama needs to write."

"Write... oh, you meant walk! We're going on a walk, HORRAY!" the beagle squealed with joy, spun around and then promptly sat at her feet offering her first a shake with her left paw, and then with her right as a thank you for taking her out exploring.

"No waggy tail, not today. I need to work." Her beagle looked up at her with beautifully hopeful eyes and a panting mouth. Guilt flooded her. "Oh fine." She sighed and the beagle began to dance about the room excitedly knowing that she had won. Again. Always.

I find change to be interesting. I, unlike a lot of people, really enjoy change. I enjoy it as long as I can be a part of the planning of the said change. I believe that change represents growth, and growth is important to continue to enrich and better our lives. What I struggle with is last minute changes. It could be anything from having to switch up my list of to do's to accommodate another activity that is more pressing or taking a less than advantageous route while driving.

I am an introvert and it is vital for me to plan my time wisely to make sure that I am receiving enough recharge time in my days. For example, on Sunday's is when all of the grocery shopping, food prep, and weekly household chores get completed. This is also my only day off of both of my jobs. I do my best to be as efficient as possible. Last week, we slept in by an hour and a half and it threw off my rhythm for the day and the few hours I needed of nothingness. I found myself crankier than usual and it was all because I slept in for 90 minutes. But here's the thing. I desperately needed that sleep and it was overall good for me. I allowed that unexpected alteration of my day take over my mood nearly giving up on all of the things I had meant to do.

Funny thing is, I ended up taking maybe an extra 30 minutes to complete all of my tasks AND I still got my recharge time in. It is my plan to start facing these changes as opportunities to become more efficient and using them to better myself instead of allowing them to be roadblocks to ruin my day.

I planned to write for my entire lunch break today and ended up taking Kaylee and Pepper for a walk in absolutely brilliant weather. I got some exercise and they got to pee all over the neighborhood. Classy ladies.

Word of the day for me to meditate on:

  1. the action or process of adapting 
  2. or being adapted.

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