Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

Although I have only given this read a three out of five stars, it does not mean that I didn't enjoy it, and it does not mean that I didn't learn from in. "The Four Tendancies" by Gretchen Rubin really breaks down her personality groups in more depth than in her book "Better than Before."

As I read this book, I realized that without question, I am an upholder. I meet both inner and outer expectations with pride. I love lists and completing them. I love challenging myself to see how much I can accomplish in one day.

With this book, I focused more on my own tendency and how they all work together. I did find a lot of overlap and some areas that had the same exact stories from a previous book. I totally get overlapping work; however, for some reason the repeat story got under my skin.

I appreciate the opportunity I had to learn about myself and how (and why) I interact with myself, my friends, and in my career. I will probably pick up Rubin's "The Happiness Project" eventually; however, for now, I think I need a little break. Interesting book. Worth the read.

I'm curious though... which tendency do you think fits you and why?

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