Tuesday, January 28, 2020

First DNF of 2020

I knew this day was bound to come. In fact, it is two years in the making. When Alice and I became friends almost exactly two years ago (feels like a lifetime though... in a good way, really!), she introduced me to the concept of DNFing (Did Not Finish) books. I am a completionist; however, the premise behind the concept was good. Life is to short to waste time on books that do not bring you joy.

I trudged through several terrible books over the last two years and managed to not DNF a single book. It's important to note that I didn't realize this until this morning. Love the concept, I was terrible at the follow through. That is, until today.

A few days ago, I began "Olive Kitteridge" by Elizabeth Strout. I had recently purchased "Olive, Again" at a local thrift shop and didn't know it was a sequel. Thankfully, Alice is also my most commonly used library and I was able to borrow the first from her. The concept of this Pulitzer Prize winning novel (don't think I don't realize that I should want to read this) is 13 unique short stories in this small town that all somehow have Olive in each and every one. I made it two and a half stories in before I finally admitted to myself that this was not for me and that it was time to move on.

I gave my borrowed copy back to Alice today and UN-hauled the second book. If Alice likes it, she can read it. If not, I will be taking it to McKay's so that I can try my hand at other books that I am interested in.

I was worried I would be overwhelmed with guilt over DNFing (which I aptly called DNR (do not resuscitate) this morning to my husband, Steve); however, I feel free to now focus on books that I will actually enjoy reading instead of slowing my pacing down.

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