Saturday, January 4, 2020

Becoming by Michelle Obama

"Becoming" by Michelle Obama was the first book on my 2020 TBR list. I had been interested in the title all of last year; however, the wait time for the library copy of the audio book was months long and I didn't have the space to put it on hold. On the first of the year, it popped up for me as a "skip the line" short borrow read, meaning instead of a two week borrow, I got it for a mere seven days. Because "Becoming" was read by Michelle Obama herself, I knew it had to be audio and that it was going to be epic. I wasn't disappointed.

I'll be the first to admit I don't follow politics. To be completely real with you, politics gives me anxiety and stress me out. I made assumptions on what I thought would be in this book.

Becoming opened my eyes. It opened my eyes about the incredible story of Michelle Obama because basically, I knew absolutely nothing about her when her husband was the president of this country. Her story spans from her early childhood until just after they left the office of running America. This memoir is full of life and love, tragedy and heartbreak. It's a story about a person of color, a woman, a wife, a mother, an advocate, and an influencer.

I wish I knew back then what I know now. Michelle Obama is a beautiful human with a beautiful soul, incredibly intelligent (I knew that part), and an eloquence for writing. I couldn't stop listening. I cried as she told the story of when they announced that her husband had won the presidency. Literally everything about this book moved me in one way or another and once the book was over I felt a surprising kinship with her.

As you will soon learn, I don't recommend books often; however, I think absolutely every person could benefit from reading this one. There are so many life lessons you can learn from her stories, and if you ever need an example of what a strong woman is supposed to look like... look no further. Five out of five stars.

Michelle Obama is one of the many wonder women that are in this world. She is the type of person you want your kids to admire.

Read this book.

Just kidding, listen to the audio book! You will not be disappointed.

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