The dark and gloomy atmosphere here in Nashville really reflected my work day well. Nothing bad happened. My work was harder than usual which slowed me down which meant that I didn't hit my productivity for the day. Today was a quality day and that should even out in the end. I applied to a new position within my company that has left me anxious and excited. I don't know when the interviewing will begin, but I'm hoping in a few weeks. Who knows what life will be bringing my way in the coming months. I know that I am working hard toward a goal and I'm going to keep after it no matter what failure's come my way. I worked ten hours today which means another ten tomorrow and two fives on Thursday and Friday. It's only Tuesday and I'm halfway there.
Today is Tennant Tuesday so I also listened to "David Tennant Does a Podcast with... Jon Hamm." I know almost nothing about most celebrities, so it is nice just hearing people's stories. Yes, I also enjoy the Scottish accent, but that's really besides the point. Or is it? :)
Evening walks with Kaylee were even wetter than this morning, but it was nice getting outside in the evening. We even started before night fell which is always a treat.

And now, I'm settled in for the night and relaxing before bed. I've been extra tired recently and was asleep last night before 9pm. I have a feeling tonight will be similar. I used to stay up until all hours of the night and sleep four hours. I can't do that any more. I love sleep too much. Wishing you all a pleasant night's sleep and a happy and productive tomorrow.
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