Thursday, January 9, 2020

In The Books: Week One Done

Well friend, we are officially in our second week of the year. How have your resolutions been going? Have you made any yet? If not, it's not too late! It doesn't need to be the start of a new year to set some goals and create good habits. Here's a brief recap on mine:

Reading: I'll be the first to admit that I've surprised myself. It is January 9th and I have completed 9 books. Of the nine, four of them were on my January TBR list. This means I still have nine or ten on that list, but I am working toward my goals. It won't stay this productive as my writing schedule increases; however, I love getting a good jump start to reaching my goals.

Writing: Obviously I've been blogging regularly (yay). Over this next week I will be delving into brainstorming and outlining for my novel. I've been on the edge of procrastination here (focusing on the blog), but I am well withing my time-frame to begin the project.

Self-love/planting flowers: This one has been particularly good for me. I have a great small group of people that are encouraging me on a daily basis and at the bottom of my planner each day, I will plant little flowers for myself. They are reminders of different aspects of me that are good (physically, mentally, etc). I find that starting my day off in this positive manner tends to lead myself into a more positive day. It's not a perfect system, but I am getting a lot out of it.

75 Hard: This has been fun. The hardest thing has been drinking a gallon of water a day. Last night I was grumbling in bed because I wanted to sleep but I hadn't finished my water yet. I am proud of myself for never missing a day. Reading "Better than Before" by Gretchen Rubin has been good. Ten minutes of self development reading a day is barely a few pages. Even if it takes longer than ten minutes, I try to read at least 10-15 pages a day. I'd like to read two self development books over the course of this program. Yoga has been great for my first workout and I've taken my dog on 45 minute walks in the evening every day. She enjoys it too. I have a new set of work outs that I will be trying in replacement of yoga starting tomorrow (don't tell Gretchen Rubin about my tomorrow comment... she'd have something to say about that).

Weekly goal: Get better about writing my to do lists the night before. I really like the concept of just getting up and going. When I have to start first by making a list, everything takes a little longer and I lose some of that initial excitement to get things going.

What is something that you would like to improve upon this week? What can you do to actually achieve that goal?

Look out tomorrow for my review on "Heir to the Shadows" by Anne Bishop tomorrow morning.

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It's hard to keep up when you read too much...

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